

Electrik.AI is a cloud-based marketing analytics software and full-service platform. The software side consists of

  • IO: SaaS platform for Marketing Data Ingestion
  • DMP: SaaS Data Management Platform
  • CDP: SaaS Customer Data Platform

Electrik.AI’s Google Analytics Hit Data Extractor enriches and extracts the un-sampled hit level data sent to Google Analytics from website or application and periodically ships it to your desired destination database/data warehouse or file/data lake.

Electrik.AI’s primary offering Google Analytics Hit data extractor is cloud based solution. We assume that you have Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager account.

  • No Software Install: Our solution is completely cloud based you do not need to install any software on your local network.
  • No Changes in Website: Login into the Electrik.AI’s console and provide Google Analytics and Google Tag manager details. Your data will start loading within 24 hours.
  • No Premium Account: You don’t need Google Premium Account.