Export Adobe Analytics Data

  • Pull data from your Adobe Analytics account into one central report.
  • Get all the Adobe Analytics metrics and dimensions.
  • Export Adobe Analytics Data to any Database,Data Warehouse.
  • Integrate Adobe Analytics data with data from other
    advertising platforms.
  • Create omni-channel reports.
Export Adobe Analytics Data - ElectrikAI

What is Adobe Analytics?

Adobe Analytics lets you collect, mix, match, and analyze customer journey and provides all-round reporting and predictive intelligence. Adobe Analytics offers customer/viewer engagement with almost any channel namely web, mobile, video, IoT, app, social and more to promote better marketing decisions.

What is Electrik.AI’s Adobe Analytics Data Export?

Do you want your raw data from Adobe Analytics? Do you always find yourself managing data feed files? Do you ever ponder while selecting the columns to get hold of important KPIs? Electrik.AI provides fully automated daily export of your clickstream data feed directly into your data warehouse or database. By acquiring analytic raw data, you are now free to perform cross-channel analysis and much more.

No Software Install: Our solution is completely cloud-based you do not need to install any software on your local network.

Easy to Setup: It takes just 3 simple steps to export your Adobe Analytics data using Electrik.AI.

How do I Export Adobe Analytics Data?

Export Adobe Analytics Data in three simple steps using Electrik.AI.

  1. Connect your Adobe Analytics account.
  2. Choose your desired destination.
  3. Create a data flow to Export Adobe Analytics data to your desired destination.

Why Export Adobe Analytics Data?

Electrik.AI pulls all the important Adobe Analytics KPIs in a single table. The exact data as it was sent to data collection (Columns without “post_” prefix) as well as the value after processing (Columns with a “post_” prefix) gets collected in your data warehouse/database. This will give you the flexibility of comparing and analyzing the raw data and generating customized reports for better understanding of the customers /visitor’s engagement with your website.

Create multi-account report-ELectrikAI

Create multi-channel reports

Pull data from all your Adobe Analytics accounts into one central report.

Access all your Google Ads data-ElectrikAI

Access all your Adobe Analytics data

Get all the Adobe Analytics metrics and dimensions you need.

Aggregate data from different sources-ElectrikAI

Aggregate data from different sources

Combine data from Adobe Analytics with data from other advertising platforms.

How much does “Adobe Analytics Data Export” cost?

We have a cloud-based subscription model. You can start with a free trial; no credit card is required. If you like the service (we know you will), there is a small fee per month. You can terminate the subscription anytime.

Click here for detailed pricing.

How to setup Adobe Analytics Data Export in Electrik.AI?

Click here for detailed documentation.

Do you have reporting templates for Adobe Analytics?

Get started with our free templates on Google Data Studio for Adobe Analytics reporting . See all reporting & dashboard templates by Electrik.AI

Does Electrik.AI export data from any other advertising platform?

Yes, view a complete list of Electrik.AI integrations here.

Here’s a sample clickstream data extracted from Adobe Analytics and stitched together by “Electrik.AI’s Adobe Analytics Export”

accept_language : en-US,en;q=0.9
browser : 3202127042
browser_height : 1042
browser_width : 2048
c_color : 24
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click_sourceid : 0
code_ver : JS-2.22.0-LBSQ
color : 2
connection_type : 2
cookies : Y
country : 304
curr_factor : 2
curr_rate : 1
currency : USD
cust_hit_time_gmt : 0
daily_visitor : 1
date_part : 10-07-2021
date_time : 10-07-2021 09:16
domain : airstreamcomm.net
duplicate_purchase : 0
event_list : 1,36,183
exclude_hit : 0
first_hit_page_url : https://buy.gm.com/111493/

first_hit_pagename : scd:ch:na:us:en:t2:buy-create_your_deal
first_hit_ref_domain : pd.com
first_hit_ref_type : 2
first_hit_referrer : https://www.pd.com/
first_hit_time_gmt : 1625868824
geo_city : baldwin
geo_country : usa
geo_dma : 613
geo_region : wi
geo_zip : 54002

hit_source: 1
hit_time_gmt : 1625922972
hitid_high : 3.49164E+18
hitid_low : 4.61939E+18
homepage : U
hourly_visitor : 1
j_jscript : 1.6
java_enabled : N
javascript : 7
key : 2021-07-10 09:16:12_3491526710889610751_


language : 45
last_hit_time_gmt : 1625870389
last_purchase_num : 0
last_purchase_time_gmt : 0
mcvisid : 2.1485E+37
mobile_id : 0
monthly_visitor : 0
new_visit : 1
os : 1240087047
page_event : 10
page_event_var2 : logo
page_url : https://pd.gm.com/111493/13/

pagename : scd:ch:na:us:en:t2

paid_search : 0
persistent_cookie : Y
post_browser_height : 1042
post_browser_width : 2048
post_cookies : Y
post_currency : USD
post_cust_hit_time_gmt : 1625922972
post_search_engine : 0
post_t_time_info : 10-06-2021 08:16
post_visid_high : 3.49153E+18
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post_zip : ::hash::0
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ref_type : 6
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sourceid : 0
stats_server : anedge-7b647b5bb7-br97s.va6
t_time_info : 10-06-2021 08:16
truncated_hit : N
user_agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36
user_hash : 1027712902
user_server : pd.gm.com
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username : genmotcorshopclickdriveprod
va_closer_detail : www.pdusa.com
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va_finder_detail : www. pdusa.com
va_finder_id : 10
va_instance_event : 0
va_new_engagement : 0
visid_high : 3.49153E+18
visid_low : 4.6117E+18
visid_new : N
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yearly_visitor : 0
And more……