Export Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner Data

  • Pull keyword suggestions from your Microsoft Ads Keyword account into one central report.
  • Get all the Microsoft Ads Keyword Ideas metrics and dimensions you need.
  • Export Microsoft Ads Keyword Ideas Data to any Database.
  • Integrate Microsoft Ads Keyword Ideas with data from other advertising platform.
  • Create omni-channel report.
Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner - ElectrikAI

What is Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner?

Microsoft Advertising platform provides a Keyword Planner Tool that facilitates advertisers to discover relevant keywords for their advertising campaigns. Based on the targeting, search options, and date range you select, the tool will provide you with the most sought-after keywords, and its search volume trends, competition level, and suggested bids. Advertisers can use this information to identify and select the most appropriate keywords for their targeting and bidding strategies.

Why do I need Electrik.AI’s Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner Data Export?

Electrik.AI’s Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner connection assists you to use Keyword Planner in a much simpler way. Our automated data pipeline will make sure to deliver Microsoft Keyword Planner Tool insights into your chosen database or data warehouse.

With Electrik.AI, you can perform a one-time setup to search for new keywords using a phrase, website, or category. You can now effortlessly receive statistics and traffic estimates for ad groups and keywords, eliminating the need for manual data exporting or the requirement to log into your account. The data pipeline allows you to focus on campaigns without the hassle of repetitive exports.

No Software Install: Our solution is completely cloud based you do not need to install any software on your local network.

Easy to Setup: It takes just 3 simple steps to export your historical Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner data using Electrik.AI.

Choose filters: Electrik.AI offers the flexibility to set the targeting location, search network, phrase/landing page/category filters.

How do I Export Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner Data?

Export Custom Reports from Microsoft Analytics in three simple steps using Electrik.AI

  1. Connect your Microsoft Ads account.
  2. Choose your desired destination.
  3. Choose your combination of location targeting and search criteria.

Why Export Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner Data?

Keyword Planner helps you research keywords for your Search campaigns. You can use this free tool to get widespread and accurate keyword suggestions to automate your keyword research process. In addition to the new keyword ideas, also get important KPI related to these keywords like average monthly searches, average cpc micros, the competition level (High, Low, Medium), monthly searches volume etc.

Create multi-account report-ELectrikAI

Create multi-account

Pull data from all your Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner accounts into one central report.

Access all your Google Ads data-ElectrikAI

Access all your Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner data

Get all the Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner metrics and dimensions you need.

Aggregate data from different sources-ElectrikAI

Aggregate data from different sources

Combine data from Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner with data from other advertising platforms.

How much does “Microsoft Ads Keyword Ideas (Planner) Data Export” cost?

We have a cloud-based subscription model. You can start with a free trial; no credit card is required. If you like the service (we know you will), there is a small fee per month. You can terminate the subscription anytime.

Click here for detailed pricing.

How to setup Microsoft Ads Keyword Ideas (Planner) Data Export in Electrik.AI ?

Click here for detailed documentation.

Do you have reporting templates for Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner?

Get started with our free templates on Google Data Studio for Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner reporting. See all reporting & dashboard templates by Electrik.AI

Does Electrik.AI export data from any other advertising platform?

Yes, view a complete list of Electrik.AI integrations here.

Sample Data for Microsoft Ads Keyword Planner Data

adgroupname: Etl Testing
adimpressionshare: 0.11
categoryid: null
customeraccountid: 149039804
customerid: 162436566
excludeaccountkeywords: FALSE

keyword: etl testing process
location: United States
locationid : 190
monthlysearchcounts : 10
months: June
network: OwnedAndOperatedAndSyndicatedSearch
relevance: 87024.92

seedtype: QuerySearchParameter
seedvalue: ETL Testing
keywordsrctype: comp
source: SuggestionFromKeyword
suggestedbid: 3.71
years: 2023