Export Facebook Ads Data

  • Pull data from all your Facebook Ads Account into one central report.
  • Get all the Facebook Ads metrics and dimensions.
  • Export Facebook Ads Data to any Database.
  • Integrate Facebook Ads with data from other advertising platforms.
  • Create omni-channel reports.
Export Facebook Ads Data - ElectrikAI

What is Electrik.AI’s Facebook Ads Data Export?

Electrik.AI’s Facebook Ads Data Export is a cloud-based solution to effortlessly replicate all your Facebook Ads data into a data warehouse in minutes.

No Software Install: Our solution is completely cloud based you do not need to install any software on your local network.

Easy to Setup: It takes just 3 simple steps to export your Facebook Ads data using Electrik.AI

Choose your Facebook Ads Performance Report: Electrik.AI offers a list of available reports and their dimensions and metrics from Facebook Ads.

How do I Export Facebook Ads Data?

Export Facebook Ads Data in three simple steps using Electrik.AI

  1. Connect your Facebook Ads account.
  2. Choose your desired destination.
  3. Create a data flow to Export Facebook Ads data to your desired destination.

Why Export Facebook Ads Data?

With Facebook Advertising Insights, you can track statistics about your campaigns using selected metrics that matter to you. Running performance reports gained from tracking statistics will help you make informed choices about advertising spend, ad and keyword performance.

Create multi-account report-ELectrikAI

Create multi-account reports

Pull data from all your Facebook Ads accounts into one central report.

Access all your Google Ads data-ElectrikAI

Access all your Facebook Ads data

Get all the Facebook Ads metrics and dimensions you need.

Aggregate data from different sources-ElectrikAI

Aggregate data from different sources

Combine data from Facebook Ads with data from other advertising platforms.

How much does “Facebook Ads Data Export” cost?

We have a cloud-based subscription model. You can start with a free trial; no credit card is required. If you like the service (we know you will), there is a small fee per month. You can terminate the subscription anytime.

Click here for detailed pricing.

How to setup Facebook Ads Data Export in Electrik.AI ?

Click here for detailed documentation.

Do you have reporting templates for Facebook Ads?

Get started with our free templates on Google Data Studio for Facebook Ads reporting. See all reporting & dashboard templates by Electrik.AI

Does Electrik.AI export data from any other advertising platform?

Yes, view a complete list of Electrik.AI integrations here.

Sample Data for Ad Performance

account_currency: USD
account_id: 4.4177E+14
account_name: iCEDQ
actions: [action_type:link_click, value:26],[action_type:landing_page_view, value:3],[action_type:post_engagement, value:26],[action_type:page_engagement, value:26]
ad_id: 2.3844E+16
ad_name: Image Ad
adset_id: 2.3844E+16
adset_name: Drive Traffic
buying_type: AUCTION
campaign_id: 2.3844E+16
campaign_name: iCEDQ Branding
clicks: 33
conversion_rate_ranking: ABOVE_AVERAGE
cost_per_action_type: [action_type:link_click, value:0.852692],[action_type:landing_page_view, value:7.39],[action_type:post_engagement, value:0.852692],[action_type:page_engagement, value:0.852692]
cost_per_inline_link_click: 0.852692
cost_per_inline_post_engagement: 0.852692
cost_per_outbound_click: [action_type:outbound_click, value:0.852692]
cost_per_thruplay: [action_type: video_view,value:0.252222]
cost_per_unique_action_type: [action_type:link_click, value:0.852692],[action_type:landing_page_view, value:7.39],[action_type:post_engagement, value:0.852692],[action_type:page_engagement, value:0.852692]
cost_per_unique_click: 0.671818
cost_per_unique_inline_link_click: 0.852692

cost_per_unique_outbound_click: [action_type:outbound_click, value:0.8868]
cpc: 0.671818
cpm: 7.089862
cpp: 7.858915
ctr: 1.055325
date_start: 9/6/2019
date_stop: 9/6/2019
engagement_rate_ranking: BELOW_AVERAGE_35
frequency: 1.108472
impressions: 3127
inline_link_click_ctr: 0.831468
inline_link_clicks: 26
inline_post_engagement: 26
instant_experience_clicks_to_open: 0
instant_experience_clicks_to_start: 0
instant_experience_outbound_clicks: 0
objective: LINK_CLICKS
outbound_clicks: [action_type:outbound_click, value:26]
outbound_clicks_ctr: [action_type:outbound_click, value:0.831468]
quality_ranking: BELOW_AVERAGE_20
reach: 2821
relevance_score: [score:4, status:OK]
social_spend: 0
spend: 22.17
unique_actions: [action_type:link_click, value:26],[action_type:landing_page_view, value:3],[action_type:post_engagement, value:26],[action_type:page_engagement, value:26]
unique_actions_link_click: 26
unique_actions_landing_page_view: 3
unique_actions_post_engagement: 26
unique_actions_page_engagement: 26
unique_clicks: 33

unique_ctr: 1.169798
unique_inline_link_click_ctr: 0.921659
unique_inline_link_clicks: 26
unique_link_clicks_ctr: 0.921659
unique_outbound_clicks: [action_type:outbound_click, value:25]
unique_outbound_clicks_ctr: [action_type:outbound_click, value:0.886211]
video_30_sec_watched_actions: [action_type:video_view, value:12]
video_avg_time_watched_actions: [action_type:video_view, value:12]
video_p100_watched_actions: [action_type:video_view, value:12]
video_p25_watched_actions: [action_type:video_view, value:12]
video_p50_watched_actions: [action_type:video_view, value:12]
video_p75_watched_actions: [action_type:video_view, value:12]
video_play_actions: [action_type:video_view, value:12]
video_play_curve_actions: [action_type:video_view, value:[100, 38, 11, 7, 5, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
website_ctr: [action_type:link_click, value:0.831468]
snapshot_dt: 9/6/2019
etl_org: torana_2
etl_project: test_i_2
etl_create_utc_dttm: 08:02.6
etl_update_utc_dttm: 08:02.6
etl_start_utc_dttm: 45:06.5
etl_flow_nm: AD_INSIGHT
etl_flow_instance_id: FL00AD-20190910144445424196
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