
Freshdesk Data Export

What is Freshdesk?

Freshdesk is an online cloud-based customer service software providing helpdesk support with all smart automation to get things done faster. It creates a unified view of the customer for your sales and support team.

How to add a Freshdesk Source in Electrik.AI?

Follow these steps to connect your Freshdesk account to Electrik.AI.

Step 1: Ensure you have following prerequisites to create a Freshdesk Connection in Electrik.AI

a. Freshdesk Domain Name.

b. API Key

Step 2: Sign-in into your Electrik.AI account.

Step 3: Select IO in Electrik.AI dashboard.

Select IO in Electrik.AI dashboard

Step 4: Select the Connections Icon in the left most panel and Click on “Add” button on the top.

Step 4 Select the Connections Icon in the left most panel and Click on “Add” button the top

Step 5: The Source default tab is selected just click on “Freshdesk” connection.

Step 5 The Source default tab is selected just click on “Freshdesk” connection

Step 6: Enter your Freshdesk Domain URL and API Key.

Step 6 Enter your Freshdesk Domain URL and API Key.

Step 7: Click on Save button on the top. 

Step 7 Click on Save button on the top.

Congratulations, you have now successfully created a Freshdesk Connection in Electrik.AI.

Congratulations, you have now successfully created a Freshdesk Connection in Electrik.AI

What are the supported Data Destinations?

Electrik.AI supports the following databases to export Freshdesk Data. It is important to note that Electrik.AI itself is not a destination. A destination is required to export data from various marketing data sources using Electrik.AI.

PostgreSQL Data Destination-Eletrik.AI
MySQL Data Destination-Electrik.AI
AzureSQL Data Destination-Eletrik.AI
Google Big Query Data Destination-Elecrik.AI

How to Export Freshdesk Data?

Electrik.AI creates a data flow (or ETL process) that exports Freshdesk data of your choice to a target database or data warehouse. This process runs daily at scheduled time and exports data.

Follow these steps to create a Data Flow from Freshdesk to Database

Step 1: Ensure you have the following prerequisites.
1. Access to Freshdesk.
2. Freshdesk Domain URL and API Key.
3. Access to a Database of your choice (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Azure SQL, BigQuery.)
4. Database Connection Details such as Host, Port, DB Name, DB User, DB Password
Step 2: Sign-in into your Electrik.AI account.
Step 3: Select IO in Electrik.AI dashboard.

Select IO in Electrik.AI dashboard

Step 4: Click on Add button to create a Freshdesk Performance Data Extractor Flow.

Click on Add button to create a Freshworks CRM Performance Data Extractor Flow

Step 5: Select Freshdesk Connection present in the list of available sources.

Step 5 Select Freshdesk Connection present in the list of available sources

Step 6: Select your existing Freshdesk connection in Electrik.AI.

Step 6 Select your existing Freshdesk connection in ElectrikAI

To Configure a new connection, refer to this link.

Step 7: Click on a destination of your choice from list of available destinations.
In this example we are choosing BigQuery.

Click on a destination of your choice from list of available destinations

Step 8: Select your existing BigQuery (Service Account) connection in Electrik.AI.
To Configure a new connection, refer to this link.

Step 8 Select your existing BigQuery connection in ElectrikAI

Step 9:
a. Choose the desired report to get the appropriate data. In this example we are choosing Companies.


b. Review the Data Source, Data Destination, Data Set, Report Name, Provide Success Notification Email, Failure Notification Email
Success Notification Email: Enter a valid Email ID to receive the Flow Success Email Notification.
Failure Notification Email: Enter a valid Email ID to receive the Flow Failure Email Notification.
Note: By Default, Electrik.AI uses the signed-in user’s Email Id.
c. Click “Save and Proceed” to continue.


Note: By Default, Electrik.AI chooses an existing Data Set to load your Freshdesk Report. You can create a new Dataset in your bucket by selecting the “Create Data Set” radio button.
Step 10: Please wait while you are redirected to Flow Details Screen.

Step 10 Please wait while you are redirected to Flow Details Screen

Congratulations, you have now successfully setup Freshdesk Performance Report to BigQuery flow in Electrik.AI.

Congratulations, you have now successfully setup Freshdesk Performance Report to BigQuery flow in ElectrikAI

Your Freshdesk data will start loading after 24 hours in your Data Set.

Freshdesk Data Schema

Index Category Electrik.AI Column Name Description Sample Value
1 Dimension available Is set to true if the agent is accepting new tickets True
2 Dimension available_since Timestamp denoting when the agent became available/unavailable (depending on the value of the
‘available’ attribute)
2015-01-2T14 :54:46+05:30
3 Dimension contact Agent contact details { “active”:true, “email”:”[email protected]”, “job_title”:null, “language”:”en”, “last_login_at”:
“2015-08-21T14 :54:46+05:30”, “mobile”:null, “name”:”Support”, “phone”:null, “time_zone”:”Chennai”,
“created_at”:”2015 -08-18T16:18:05Z”,
“updated_at”:”2015 -08-25T08:50:20Z” }
4 Dimension contact_active Set to true if the agent is verified True
5 Dimension contact_created_at Creation timestamp 2015-08-18T16:18:05Z
6 Dimension contact_email Email address of the agent [email protected]
7 Dimension contact_ job_title Job title of the agent Null
8 Dimension contact_language Language of the agent. Default language is “en” en
9 Dimension contact_ last_login_at Timestamp of the agent’s last successful login 2015-08- 28T09:08:16Z
10 Dimension contact_mobile Mobile number of the agent
11 Dimension contact_name Name of the agent Smith
12 Dimension contact_phone Telephone number of the agent
13 Dimension contact_ time_zone Time zone of the agent Chennai
14 Dimension contact_ updated_at Timestamp of the last update 2015-05-2T 14:54:46+05:30
15 Dimension created_at Agent creation timestamp 2015-08-28 T09:08:16Z
16 Dimension domain_name Name of the Freshdesk domain icedq.
17 Dimension group_ids Group IDs associated with the agent
18 Dimension id User ID of the agent 434
19 Dimension last_active_at Timestamp of the last activity
20 Dimension occasional Is set to true if this is an occasional agent (true => occasional, false => full-time) False
21 Dimension role_ids Role IDs associated with the agent [1]
22 Dimension signature Signature of the agent in HTML format null
23 Dimension skill_ids Skill ids associated with the agent [2]
24 Dimension ticket_scope 1 -> Global Access, 2 -> Group Access, 3 -> Restricted Access 1
25 Dimension type Agent Type support_agent
26 Electrik.AI sha_id Hashed primary key 4d7a30ffb7e178 09271acabafbb50c269 4c14878f352013ca5b0c 997a777b454
27 Electrik.AI etl_org Organization Id ORG000097
28 Electrik.AI etl_project Project Id PR000154
29 Electrik.AI etl_create_utc_dttm Record loaded/created Timestamp in UTC 2021-06-13 12:45:42 UTC
30 Electrik.AI etl_update_utc_dttm Record Update Timestamp in UTC 2021-06-13 12:45:42 UTC
31 Electrik.AI etl_start_utc_dttm EAI Flow Start Timestamp in UTC 2021-06-13 12:45:42 UTC
32 Electrik.AI etl_flow_nm EAI Flow Code FL001282
33 Electrik.AI etl_flow_instance_id EAI Flow Execution Instance Id FL00AD-201909 10144445424196
Index Category Electrik.AI Column Name Description Sample Value
1 Dimension account_tier Classification (Enterprise/Premium/Basic) based on how much value the company brings to your business Premium
2 Dimension created_at Company creation timestamp 2016-12-05t21:52:29z
3 Dimension custom_fields Key value pairs containing the names and values of custom fields. { “website”: “”, “address”: null }
4 Dimension description Description of the company if any else null Marketing
5 Dimension domain_name Name of the Freshdesk domain
6 Dimension domains Domains of the client company. Email addresses of contacts that contain this domain will be associated with that company automatically. [“”]
7 Dimension health_score The strength of your relationship with the company Happy
8 Dimension id Unique ID of the company 3000138123
9 Dimension industry The industry the company serves in Marketing
10 Dimension name Name of the company nielsen
11 Dimension note Any specific note about the company A unified solution for DataOps
12 Dimension renewal_date Date when your contract or relationship with the company is due for renewal 2016-12-05t21:52:29z
13 Dimension updated_at Company updated timestamp 2016-12-05t21:52:29z
14 Electrik.AI sha_id Hashed primary key 4d7a30ffb7e178 09271acabafbb50c269 4c14878f352013ca5b0c 997a777b454
15 Electrik.AI etl_org Organization Id ORG000097
16 Electrik.AI etl_project Project Id PR000154
17 Electrik.AI etl_create_utc_dttm Record loaded/created Timestamp in UTC 2021-06-13 12:45:42 UTC
18 Electrik.AI etl_update_utc_dttm Record Update Timestamp in UTC 2021-06-13 12:45:42 UTC
19 Electrik.AI etl_start_utc_dttm EAI Flow Start Timestamp in UTC 2021-06-13 12:45:42 UTC
20 Electrik.AI etl_flow_nm EAI Flow Code FL001282
21 Electrik.AI etl_flow_ instance_id EAI Flow Execution Instance Id FL00AD-20190 910144445424196
Index Category Electrik.AI Column Name Description Sample Value
1 Dimension active Set to true if the contact has been verified True
2 Dimension address Address of the contact null
3 Dimension company_id ID of the primary company to which this contact belongs 3000211234
4 Dimension created_at Contact creation timestamp 2021-02-12t 19:58:59z
5 Dimension csat_rating Survey average ratings null
6 Dimension custom_fields Key value pair containing the name and value of the custom fields. { “department”: “Operations” “fb_profile”: null, “permanent”: false }
7 Dimension deleted Set to true if the contact has been deleted. Note that this attribute will only be present for deleted contacts null
8 Dimension description A short description of the contact null
9 Dimension domain_name Name of the Freshdesk domain
10 Dimension email Primary email address of the contact. [email protected]
11 Dimension facebook_id Facebook Id null
12 Dimension id ID of the contact 3045425515
13 Dimension job_title Job title of the contact null
14 Dimension language Language of the contact en
15 Dimension mobile Mobile number of the contact null
16 Dimension name Name of the contact ameur.s
17 Dimension other_companies Additional companies associated with the contact null
18 Dimension other_emails Additional emails associated with the contact null
19 Dimension phone Telephone number of the contact null
20 Dimension preferred_source Preferred Contact Method email
21 Dimension tags Tags associated with this contact []
22 Dimension time_zone Time zone in which the contact resides chennai
23 Dimension twitter_id Twitter handle of the contact
24 Dimension unique_external_id External ID of the contact
25 Dimension updated_at Contact updated timestamp 2019-02-26t05:18:42-05:00
26 Dimension view_all_tickets Set to true if the contact can see all tickets that are associated with the company to which he belongs true
27 Electrik.AI sha_id Hashed primary key 4d7a30ffb7e178 09271acabafbb50c269 4c14878f352013ca5b0c 997a777b454
28 Electrik.AI etl_org Organization Id ORG000097
29 Electrik.AI etl_project Project Id PR000154
30 Electrik.AI etl_create_utc_dttm Record loaded/created Timestamp in UTC 2021-06-13 12:45:42 UTC
31 Electrik.AI etl_update_utc_dttm Record Update Timestamp in UTC 2021-06-13 12:45:42 UTC
32 Electrik.AI etl_start_utc_dttm EAI Flow Start Timestamp in UTC 2021-06-13 12:45:42 UTC
33 Electrik.AI etl_flow_nm EAI Flow Code FL001282
34 Electrik.AI etl_flow_instance_id EAI Flow Execution Instance Id FL00AD-201909 10144445424196
Index Category Electrik.AI Column Name Description Sample Value
1 Metric associated_ tickets_count Ticket Count 50
2 Dimension association_type Ticket Type
3 Dimension attachments Ticket attachments. The total size of these attachments cannot exceed 20MB.
4 Dimension cc_emails Email address added in the ‘cc’ field of the incoming ticket email [email protected]
5 Dimension company_id ID of the company to which this ticket belongs 300006589
6 Dimension created_at Ticket creation timestamp 2021-08-16T 15:50:47Z
7 Dimension custom_fields Key value pairs containing
the names and values of
custom fields. Read
more here
{“cf_requester_name”: “[email protected]”,”category”: “Standard Support”, “final_resolution”: null,”cf_icedq_version” :”16.4.4″,”cf_l1l2_ support_minutes”:null, “cf_l3_support_minutes” :null}
8 Dimension deleted Set to true if the ticket has been deleted/trashed. Deleted tickets will not be displayed in any views except the “deleted” filter
9 Dimension description HTML content of the ticket
10 Dimension description_text Content of the ticket in plain text
11 Dimension domain_name Name of the Freshdesk domain
12 Dimension due_by Timestamp that denotes when the ticket is due to be resolved 2021-08-16 T15:50:47Z
13 Dimension email Email address of the requester. If no contact exists with this email address in Freshdesk, it will be added as a new contact.
14 Dimension email_config_id ID of email config which is used for this ticket.
15 Dimension facebook_id Facebook ID of the requester. A contact should exist with this facebook_id in Freshdesk.
16 Dimension fr_due_by Timestamp that denotes when the first response is due 2021-05-24T15:47:22Z
17 Dimension fr_escalated Set to true if the ticket has been escalated as the result of first response time being breached TRUE
18 Dimension fwd_emails Email address(e)s added while forwarding a ticket []
19 Dimension group_id ID of the group to which the ticket has been assigned 90123
20 Dimension id Unique ID of the ticket
21 Dimension internal_agent_id Internal Agent ID
22 Dimension internal_group_id Internal Group Id
23 Dimension is_escalated Set to true if the ticket has been escalated for any reason FALSE
24 Dimension name Name of the requester
25 Dimension nr_due_by Due Time of a Ticket
26 Dimension nr_escalated Ticket Escalation FALSE
27 Dimension phone Phone number of the requester. If no contact exists with this phone number in Freshdesk, it will be added as a new contact. If the phone number is set and the email address is not, then the name attribute is mandatory.
28 Dimension priority Priority of the ticket 2
29 Dimension product_id ID of the product to which the ticket is associated []
30 Dimension reply_cc_emails Email address added while replying to a ticket [email protected]
31 Dimension requester_id User ID of the requester. For existing contacts, the requester_id can be passed instead of the requester’s email. 3045204444
32 Dimension responder_id ID of the agent to whom the ticket has been assigned 3018496123
34 Dimension source The channel through which the ticket was created 2
35 Dimension spam Set to true if the ticket has been marked as spam FALSE
36 Dimension status Status of the ticket 2
37 Dimension subject Subject of the ticket Azure Databricks connection  inaccurate data
38 Dimension tags Tags that have been associated with the ticket []
39 Dimension ticket_cc_emails Tickets cc emails []
40 Dimension to_emails Email addresses to which the ticket was originally sent []
41 Dimension twitter_id Twitter handle of the requester. If no contact exists with this handle in Freshdesk, it will be added as a new contact.
42 Dimension type Helps categorize the ticket according to the different kinds of issues your support team deals with. Question
43 Dimension updated_at Ticket updated timestamp 2021-05-24T 19:44:55Z
44 Electrik.AI sha_id Hashed primary key 4d7a30ffb7e178 09271acabafbb50c269 4c14878f352013ca5b0c 997a777b454
45 Electrik.AI etl_org Organization Id ORG000097
46 Electrik.AI etl_project Project Id PR000154
47 Electrik.AI etl_create_utc_dttm Record loaded/created Timestamp in UTC 2021-06-13 12:45:42 UTC
48 Electrik.AI etl_update_utc_dttm Record Update Timestamp in UTC 2021-06-13 12:45:42 UTC
49 Electrik.AI etl_start_utc_dttm EAI Flow Start Timestamp in UTC 2021-06-13 12:45:42 UTC
50 Electrik.AI etl_flow_nm EAI Flow Code FL001282
51 Electrik.AI etl_flow_ instance_id EAI Flow Execution Instance Id F FL00AD-20190 910144445424196